Friday, July 17, 2009
I saw my oncologist on Tuesday. She said the CT Scan showed the turmors in my lungs and lymphnodes were still growing even with Chemo. She has decided to take me off Chemo for 6 weeks to give my body a chance to recover from the drugs. She then wants to do another test to see how fast the tumors are growing. We will then possibly start radiation on a huge lymphnode in my neck to try and shrink it. We will also talk about more Chemo then. She said we are going to see if the Chemo side effects are worth it and we are now just trying to make me comfortable for as long as we can. Not a very fun or uplifting visit. Please continue to pray for my family and myself. My current goal is to still have a good quality of life at Christmas. I love all you guys and sure miss all of you. HC.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Well here is the latest... 2 days ago I was having a decent day. I did some stuff around the house and took care of some overdue paperwork, etc. That evening I was relaxing and looking forward to a great rest of the day. And then God put the hammer down on me BIG TIME!! Kayla came out of her room and said she smelled smoke. About 5 seconds later, smoke started pouring out of all the AC vents. I looked into the basement and all I could see was smoke. Timmy and I ran downstairs and guess what? An extension cord had shorted out and the twins bed was a ball of fire. We were able to get ahold of it and drag it outside. Luckily that was the only thing on fire. I have serious trouble with the stairs and also with smoke. It took about 2 hours for the smoke to clear out enough to really see across the basement and I had to stay down there to make sure nothing else was burning. So... due to smoke, fire, the stairs, stress and a God with a poor sense of humor, I have been having severe pain in my chest and have just been laying down trying to recover from the excitement. I go see the Doctor on Tuesday to get the results of my latest CT scan. I will post someting when I get home about the results. So next time you think you are having a bad day, just think about my family and the fun we have daily. But on the plus side, my penis still as not fallen off...............yet. Love you guys. HC.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Latest News
Sorry I have not written in so long. I have been feeling very weak lately and my pain level has severly increased in my chest and throat area. I have only been sleeping a couple hours a day from this and am feeling very depressed from it. I cant go more than about 15 steps without setting down and resting. Our 4th of July was pretty bad because of money. We just got a notice from our insurance company that I have reached the "donut hole part" of my prescription coverage and we are now totaly responsible for 100% of all coverage for the next 4452.00 of my script coverage. My main pain medication is going to cost me almost $900.00 per month. If anybody has any idea what to do please let us know. Sorry for the depressing blog but I dont know where to turn. We have applied to every organization we ave been referred to without any positive results. Social Security said they may be able to help but it will take 6 - 12 months for an initial decision. Sorry for venting to you all. I love you all. Please take care of yourselves. HC.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Still hanging in there on a SPECIAL DAY

Hey everybody..... Had a CT Scan on Tuesday. It lasted way to long and I have been in severe pain since then. I have only been sleeping 2-3 hours a night. I had to lay flat on my back for over half an hour during this scan. I am unable to lay down without my upper half being at a minimum of a 45 degrees angle or else I get severe pain in my esouphagus and it does not go away. The shaking in my hands is getting worse and constant now.
TODAY IS OUR 27TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! I love you pumpkin and I always will.
Gotta keep it short and go rest now. Take care everybody. I miss you all very much.
Here is pic of the 2 special girls in my life.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
NO CHEMO TODAY!!!! chemo today. My liver functions are not the best right now, so they canceled my chemo for 2 weeks. I have a CT Scan next week, then meet with my oncologist and start another round of chemo after that. Each round is 4 chemo sessions. So I get a break for a couple weeks.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I am back again!!
Sorry for the long intermission folks. My last round of Chemo did not go so well, I got very sick for quite a while and my penis fell off, but we found it luckily. One of the kids found it and was using it for a kitchen table leg. Bad news is that I have Chemo again Wednesday and will be down again. I have started to develop severe shakes in both my hands and they think it is from the medication combos only and nothing more severe. School is out now (Yippie Yahoo) so now our food bill has tripled. Here is a pic of the guys minus Josh, he was at work and his hair was too short anyway. Just wanted to touch base and let you all know how much I miss you all and I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Well... I feel like crap today. I have been up most of the night due to horrible pain in my chest. It feels like a lighter is on fire and I swallowed it. And even better.......tomorrow is another round of chemo. So if I don't post anything for a couple days that is why. Here is a picture of my Guardian Angel and me that we took on Memorial Day. Love you guys.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hey there...its me. The picture is of my sleeping buddy... Beaker. I just want everyone to know the following stuff. I apoligize that I don't stay in touch by telephone very much but it really wears me out to talk on the phone. Plus its really depressing to tell my story over and over. I just wanted to say that I really do love you all and you are all in my thoughts and prayers every single day. Chemotherapy REALLY SUCKS!!!! Mostly I wanted to get on here and let you all know who the true HERO in this whole thing is. MY WONDERFUL WIFE ANNIE. I thank God for her every single day. Without her I am nothing. She works all day long and then comes home and takes care of all of us. She is in horrible pain from her back but NEVER COMPLAINS. She is my Guardian Angel. I love her more than anything. If any of you ever become ill, I pray you will have someone like her in your life. Please include Annie in your thoughts and prayers because she needs all the help she can get. Please help Annie in any way you can. I am doing my best to hang around as long as possible and I promise I will NEVER give up. RA pain is nothing compared to cancer pain, plus it never goes away. It hurts 24 hours a day. On a scale of 1 to 10, I live at about a 7. Plus, knowing you are going to die soon is something very hard to deal with. I am not scared to die anymore but I will miss my family and friends so much. Every holiday is hard to enjoy knowing that it may be my last one. I will try and call when I can. PLEASE feel free to call me anytime you want. If I am well enough, or awake, I will answer the phone. Trust me, the ringing of the phone does not wake me up. If I can't answer, please leave me a voicemail and let me know what's going on so I can listen to it later. It makes me really happy just to hear your voices. Plus I can save the messages and listen to them more than once. I love and miss everyone very much. Love HC.
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Today was not so good......I woke up this morning not feeling real good and very weak. I felt better about noon and I went for a ride with Annie. BIG MISTAKE!! In all seriousness, she drives so bad that it actually made me vomit. And to top things off, she pulls over and stops in front of these people who were sitting in front of a store and gets blocked in by traffic for 4 minutes while I stuck my head out the door and puked in front of them. It was wonderful for them also. So I am now laying on the couch, nauseated and feel real Cancery. Here are a couple pics of me and the gang here. Hope to hear from lots of you very often. Love HC
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hi everyone. I started my own blog for something to do. Please feel free to talk about everything from my cancer to football. I will try to look at this daily. It will be a great way to keep in touch with you all. Please don't be shy if you have any questions for me. I love and miss you all. HC.
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